Welcome to Slate's 60" Greeley Pipeline Page

Progress continues although due to the high water table, I believe, the job may not be progressing as fast as desired.

Contrary to what Don Campbell indicated when the pipe first started showing up, essentially none of the pipe or heavy equipment has entered the field east of Sherry Drive other than from Locust Street. The question was asked due to probable road damage.

Prior to this work there were no open cracks visible on Sherry Drive or the very east end of Locust. Chip seal operations last summer had sealed some long cracks but as one can see in the photos below, there are a number of areas on Sherry and Locust that are displaying significant damage of a type I have not seen in the last 15 years. It also appears that rutting is occuring. Where Sherry Drive was level to crowned now it appears to have ruts running down the length of it.

I almost expect that before the remain pipe is buried breakouts will be occurring.

The photos below are severely compressed. Original high resolution and fine quality photos, and additional photos, are available.

Just press "Back" on your browser to return from the photos.
  • Road Damage on Locust east of Sherry Drive.
  • Road Damage, On Sherry south of Pleasant Acres.JPG
  • Road Damage, North end of Sherry.JPG
  • Road Damage, North end of Sherry.JPG
  • Pipeline installation as of 3 May 2007, Half way between I-25 and H-14 mail to...."slate@frii.com"
    last updated 3 May 2007
    Created in DOS with a text editor